We are so excited to let this news out and so thrilled that the time has come for us to have a baby! We have been trying to have a baby for about a year and a half and were having no luck at all. After being messed up by birth control pills and Brett and I being apart so much, the odds were against us. We were also starting to wonder if maybe there was more to the problem. I called and set up an appointment for infertility counseling at the hospital here in Yokosuka for January 5. Both of us were nervous to find out what was causing the problems but knew it was better to know that to just worry and guess.
The day before our appointment I had this nagging feeling that I should take a pregnancy test. I cannot tell you how many of those I have tried out and of course they always came up negative. I really didn't want to take one again just to be disappointed. I was defiantly experiencing some symptoms like horrible breast tenderness, mood swings, feeling like I was getting the flu and the biggest one of all, not getting my period. At the time I thought that all this was just my body being weird like always and my period was just taking its time. After having that feeling all day to take that test, I finally gave in.
I bought a two pack of the generic brand that they sell and the mini mart...you know, no need to waste money on another negative test. So I take the test and within about 30 seconds the test comes up positive! I was totally shocked! I thought, well it says wait two minutes. So I did. I was thinking well this is a cheap test so maybe they all look like that and then settle to the correct result by two minutes. But once the time was up, it was still positive. I took the other one, positive too! I could not believe it. I am pregnant!
The shock was something else, I just stared at the tests for a while and kept telling myself that they were right. I didn't cry at all at that moment. Brett was going to be coming home within a couple of hours so I needed to find a way to tell him. I headed back to the store and went to their tiny baby isle and pick out some baby mittens, and pacifier and baby soap along with wrapping and a card. The only card they had left was a congratulations to the parents-to-be. I crossed out the parents-to-be and wrote in Dad then wrote my own little message.
Once Brett got home I let him change out of his work clothes and get comfortable and had his sit down at the couch. I told him I got him a present and to cover his eyes. Then I put the present in his hands and when he opened his eyes he looked at it strangely. I put the gift in a blue bag with pink tissue paper. He pulled out the card and saw that it had baby stuff on it. Still it did not click. He opened the card and read the printed part and stared at the word Dad. A minute or so later he looks at me with realization and says, "no..." (not a bad no, but a oh my gosh no). Thats when I finally come out with, "I'm pregnant!" Thats when I start balling and I am not sure if Brett quite believed it then. He was over the moon happy though. I seriously have never seen anyone so excited to have a baby as Brett. I makes me love him that much more.
The next day we go in for our appointment and tell the girl at check in that we need to change our infertility appointment for a pregnancy test. She laughs and congratulates us. They send me for the test and sure enough it comes back positive.
As of now we are due on September 4, 2011. We are so thrilled to be parents to this little blessing from heaven.
Just so you know, I'm SOBBING! What an incredible moment for two people who waited so long. Congratulations!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kellie! It's such an incredible feeling for this to finally be here and know what a gift it is. We love these little beans already so much.