Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Week 25

So I dont have a side shot of my belly this week but I have some good ones from my shower.

You can see how huge my belly is...

 And this is as good of a side shot as I got at the shower.
On the update front, my tummy is rapidly growing it looks and feels like. I can no longer comfortably fit into my maternity jeans that have the full panel. I went out and bought some low rise maternity jeans that would sit below my belly and low and behold, I FIT INTO A SMALLER SIZE! I was so happy. I am actually wearing the size pants I was when I got married. Totally made my day.

Another new thing for me is my feet have started to really swell. After the shower my feet looked like footballs. Also the babies are getting really big and have started really kicking at my ribs. Yesterday I swear one of them popped out (ribs, not a baby) and it was so painful. Luckily it stopped hurting during the night. I can tell that I am losing that battle of staying active. Walking around or being up for more that 20 minutes really is taking a toll on me. It will all be worth it though when I get to hold these two little boys finally.

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