Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week 26

Yay! So the weeks are moving along nicely and I am steadily getting bigger and bigger. Today was not so fun though. I was sitting at church during sacrament and started to feel the cold sweats, light headed and nausea. I knew what that meant because I have felt it before. I was about to black out. Luckily sacrament was almost over so I asked my Dad to drive me home. I knew that it was because of the weight of the babies pressing down on important arteries and cutting off circulation. All I needed to do to remedy the situation was to lay on my side. As soon as I got home I laid down and I felt better pretty quickly after that. It is defiantly time for me to start taking it easy. I am going to talk to my Dr. about it on Wednesday and see what he has to say.

I am putting myself on modified bed rest as of today. Bed rest bums me out but whenever I do anything to "crazy" sit for an hour...I start to pass out. No beuno. Its what is best for the babies and me. Whatever keeps them in longer so they can grow strong and healthy is want I need to do.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I know bed rest is probably hard, but at least you're not boo-hooing about it like some women do. When we're pregnant our body is TOTALLY turned into a incubator and keeping them safe is a priority. Seems like you've got that straight!!
