Sunday, June 12, 2011

Week 28

I am getting bigger and bigger that's for sure. My pregnancy shirts are hanging on for dear life and am not sure how much longer they will work.
Pregnancy is getting tougher. At 28 weeks I am already measuring well beyond 20 weeks of a single pregnancy and I still have a ways to go. I have already been to the hospital twice for some constant braxton hicks contractions. I am also having trouble with standing and sitting for any length of time. I feel totally winded just getting up and walking around for 10 minutes. Luckily my body in all other ways is doing fine. The test they performed on me at the hospital showed that most likely I wont be delivering in the next week and a half. Also I am doing well with my weight gain and my glucose level is right where is should be. I am happy not to be on official bed rest but I have pretty much just been in bed all the day anyway. My body really cant take too much activity.

My boys are still kicking all the time and very strongly. I love feeling them move. All my doctors and nurses are impressed with their size. Hopefully they will keep it up and not need preemie clothes at all.

I am not sure if everyone knows but we have officially chosen names for the boys. The first to come out will be Luke Phillip (Phillip is Bretts Dads middle name) and the second baby is Logan Albert (Albert after my Dads middle name).

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